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Posted by admin in CPEC, Recent Development and construction in Gwadar on June 27th, 2018
Gwadar Port in Pakistan and the CPEC are equally attractive and interesting idea for foreign as well as local investors. The government of Pakistan has also set up a tax-free industrial zone for the International standard areas in Gwadar. Expected is that the Government will offer more concession to the foreign investors in the coming times. On the other had investors from different parts of the world are showing their interest in Gwadar. The investors specifically from Afghanistan, Central Asia, South Korea, China, Singapore and Japan are showing their interest in the establishment of Industrial Estate in Gwadar.
The Gwadar is set to transform the small coastal town into a multicultural port city. For all the said reasons the property investment is Gwadar is coming up as a profitable investment. The real estate buying and selling are at its peak and the real-estate investors, the businessmen and companies are showing interest in the area. The Gwadar is focused on the upcoming real estate projects in Gwadar and is looking forward to boosting the sale and purchase of land in coming time.
The rich investors are interested in buying industrial plots as well as residential plots, around the city. Both types of lands are offered with different schemes and packages. The fully operational Port of Gwadar is believed to boost the industrialization process in the region and is said to bring a lot of benefits to the world. With a fully functional zone, Gwadar is believed to be an industrial zone that will have a major influence on the economy of the world by facilitating the trade and industrial activities.
The government of Pakistan has planned to establish and promote the industrial zone and opening the major banks’ franchises to facilitate the loan and other financial services to the interested investors.
Gwadar has come up with the planned industries and will offer the following facilities to the investors:
• Small manufacturing zones
• Major electronic fabrication and assembly setups
• Wood and metal fabrication and assembly
• PVC housing & extrusion and Re-packaging
• Fish processing & canning and Life engineering
• Textile & garments and Food & flour mills
• Refrigeration & cold storages.
For the said promotion of the Gwadar Port, there are many other planned activities that are in the pipeline. These include; commercial plots, housing schemes, sports services and many others. The master plan of Gwadar includes setting factories that will be offering services to the future manufacturing and other plants that will settle in the area. While on the other hand a wide range of housing schemes are designed for both low and high-income groups that will be linked with the Gwadar Port City.
Another prominent feature is the Free Trade Zone and the Export Processing Zone that is said to have a huge potential for investment as well as the development of small, medium as well as large scale industries. These industries are believed to be generating revenue for themselves and the government with a huge profit margin and employment for people in Pakistan.
The Gwadar Port and CPEC are expected to bring a new era of industrial level development in Balochistan as the province has massive industrial potential including fisheries, livestock, minerals and agriculture. By exploiting these key sources of the providence we can generate a massive amount of industrial benefits for the country and the region.
New Gwadar International Airport: An uninterrupted transportation and convenient business communication is the core reason for initiating the idea of CPEC. With such an intention, the Gwadar is also meant to facilitate the residents with easy travelling. For this reason, the bus and train routes and the national and International air travelling routes is something a must for the project. For this reason, the Gwadar project is facilitated with a comprehensive International Airport. The Gwadar International Airport Project was inaugurated in April 2018. It is believed to be the largest Airport in Pakistan that acquires an area of 3700 acres. The project has already acquired financial clearance and the project is obtained by a Chinese company that will be executing the idea. Once completed the airport is believed to become a hub for international trading activities in Pakistan.
Oil City in Gwadar: Pakistan is rich with natural resources and is believed to offer more such surprises in future as well. Just like the amazing potential of the Gwadar Port City along with the CPEC idea the area will offer a number of other opportunities to the world. Along with many other developments the Government of Pakistan has decided to construct a mega oil city on the Gwadar. This city is believed to acquire 80,000 acres of land. The mega oil city will be used to transport oil to China. This transported oil will be bought from the gulf. This mega oil city will help you reduce to half; the travelling distance, cost and time from the Gulf to China. The Gwadar port city is purposed to store oil for its further transfer to China, via Pakistan. With this route, the oil will be transported to China in time to 7 working days. This project will also be executed by a Chinese company that has already started working on it since August 14, 2018.
The Fiber Optic Project: This is an under-construction project of 820 Kilometers that is laid from China-Pakistan Border to Khunjerab and Rawalpindi. The project was initiated back in 2016 in the city of Gilgit and is expected to be completed by the end of 2018. This line will connect the Transit Europe-Asia Terrestrial Cable Network with Pakistan. The project is currently transmitting the internet traffic through four undersea fibre optic cables. The project is financed by Exim Bank of China (source: Wikipedia).
Railway Network Project: As the CPEC places an emphasis on the up graduating of Pakistan transportation infrastructure including building the main line between Karachi and Peshawar supporting the transportation structure of Pakistan. The railway provides direct access to Chinese and East Asian goods of Pakistan’s seaports at Gwadar and Karachi by 2030.
Posted by admin in CPEC, Gwadar News, Recent Development and construction in Gwadar on June 7th, 2018
Although a few years back the word Gwadar was not known to many but the past few years have changed the fact. Gwadar is one of the most spoke about cities of the world. Gwadar is a port city in the South-Western Cost of the province of Balochistan in Pakistan. The Gwadar city is located on the shores of Arabian Sea. The city is almost 700 KM away from Karachi (the largest city of Pakistan). Another amazing geographic fact linked with Gwadar is that it is near the border of Iran and is situated to the east of Persian Gulf- which is right opposite to Oman. In the past, from 1783 to 1958, the Gwadar port was in possession of Oman.
For most of the history, Gwadar remained a small size settlement where the economy was majorly based on fishing. The strategic value of the location was accepted in 1954 when it was pointed out as a perfect site to be used as a deepwater port by “US Geological Survey”. The potential of the Gawdar port remained unrecognized during different governments of Pakistan till 2001. In the year 2001, the construction of the initial phase of Gawadar was initiated.
General Pervaiz Musharraf inaugurated the first phase in the year 2007 with a net cost of $248 million. However, even after the construction, the port remained under-utilized for a number of reasons including security concerns, lack of investment, and the failure of management of the government in transferring the land as per commitment to the operator of the port which was “Port of Singapore Authority”
By the time Pakistan reached 2015, the government of Pakistan announced a patch up China to develop a mega project of CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) which was worth $46 billion. The project is believed to a part of China’s One Belt One Road program. “China’s Xi in Pakistan to cement huge infrastructure projects, submarine sales”. Gwadar is the backbone of the One Belt One Road project and about 1.153 billion dollars are said to be invested in the city as a part of the project CPEC (Wikipedia). The aim of this project is to link the Northern side of Pakistan with the Western side of China through the seaport.
Just like other parts of Balochistan, the Gwadar city also had some ancient roots that are not clearly approached yet. However, the city shows inhibition linked with the bronze age of the settlement. According to the studies, for a period the city was under the regime of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. The history claims that this area was conquered by the founder of the Persian Empire known as “Cyrus the Great.”
During his journey back to home, the Alexander the Great stepped their feet in the areas which are now known to us as Balochistan. The then consisted of inhabited and Dry Mountains. After the collapse of Empire of Alexander the area ruled by Seleucus Nicator who was one of the generals of Alexander. Later during 303BCE, the region came under the rule of Mauryan after the Seleucus made peace with Emperor Chandragupta.
After a millennium, the Arab-Muslims invade the region and in next century there were the areas was ruled by different powers. While for the next two centuries, the area was ruled by local tribes of Balochistan. From 1863 to 1879 the area of Gwadar remained to headquarter of the British Assistant Political agent and remained a Fortnightly port for British Indian Steamship Navigation Company. It also worked as the port for telegraph and post office. Later in the 1950s, the port was headed over to Pakistan.
Soon after the independence of Pakistan the Balochistan acceded to Pakistan and was allocated as a separate district. At that time Gwadar was not a part of Balochistan. Later in the year 1958, the Gwadar port and adjacent areas were handed over to Pakistan by Muscat. By then it was given the status of Tehsil of Balochistan. Later in the year 1977, the Makran District was upgraded and divided into two divisions named as district Turbat, Gwadar and Panjgur.
September 8, 1958, was that date when Pakistan purchased the Gwadar enclave from Oman for 5.5 billion PKR. The agreement signed stated two important clauses; the first one stated that Balochistan will offer an army recruitment platform for Oman as a result of which Balochis will establish a major part of Omani forces and secondly the resources of Gwadar will be developed in future.
In the year 1993, the Government of Pakistan conceived the plan to develop Gwadar as a major port city and connect it with a rail and highway network. Officially the construction of Gwadar started on March 2002 phase one of which was completed in March 2007. The port was inaugurated on 20th of March the same year.
From the year 2002 to 2007 Gwadar underwent some major developments. In 2002 the NHA (Pakistan National Highway Authority) started production of the 653 Km- long Makran Coastal Highway, this highway was meant to link Karachi with Gwadar via Ormara and Pansi moving on to linking it with all other highways in Pakistan. The project was completed in 2004. In the year 2003, the Gwadar Development Authority started planning and development of the Gwadar for which an authority with the name “Industrial Estate Development of Gwadar” was formulated to deal with the industrial activities. The three currently functional multipurpose berths of the deep-sea-port have a capacity to handle carriers of 30,000 deadweight tonnage (DWT) ). The construction started in the year 2004. By the year 2006, the Gwadar Development Authority conceived established and adopted the 50-year plan for the City of Gwadar. Later in 2007, the Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan acquired a huge area to construct a greenfield airport that was named as the New Gwadar International Airport (Wikipedia).
Since a long time, China has an interest in Gwadar Port. In 2013 the China Overseas Port Holdings Limited assimilated the Gwadar Port. The Gwadar port is very important for China as about 60% of the oil in China comes from the Persian Gulf. This oil is transported by the Ships that travel for about 16,000 KM in the time duration of 2 to 3 months. This journey is full of risks including; bad weather, pirates, or political rivals, along with many others. It is also risky for the only commercial port of China that is located in the Shanghai. Gwadar will help to reduce the risks and distance limiting it to 50000 Km and can also serve China around the year.
China has remained fully involved in designing the project. It has provided about 80% of the cost of constructing the port. More than 500 Chinese workers are working on the port, around the clock.
China is keenly focused on setting up the Gwadar port because they find at advantageous in terms of saving time and security of import and exports. In this regard, China has paid 360 million USD to Pakistan for the expansion and the up gradation of the import and export processing around the year. The transportation will be done by Karakoram Highway China to Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan is highly committed to providing a secure base to China in shape of Gwadar. This will help Pakistan to secure the Gwadar port and to strengthen the Pak-China relationship.
The location and history of Gwadar have given it a unique yet interesting blend of cultures. The Arabic influence on the city can clearly be seen because of the strong impact of Omani era as well as the closeness with the Arabian Peninsula. The legacy os Omani can also be witnessed in the local population of which you can trace the lineage to Afro-Arab and the Zanj Slaves. These people came and settled in the area in the Omani rules. You can also find some remains of building constructed in Omani era.
Gwadar is located on the sandy and narrow strip, with a natural hammerhead-shaped point linked with a coastline of Makran. The points of the port make two perfect yet naturally curved bays on each side of the point.
The North side of the city and the Gwadar Promontory is flat and barren. The Koh-e-Mehndi (the white clay) is a prominent exception that is raised sharply from the plans to the Northern-East of Gwadar. Followed by the mega earthquake in 2013, a small island was formed which is located almost 2 KM off the Coast (Wikipedia).
The Population:
The population of the city has increased for about 85,000 as reported in the year 2014. Majority of the people living in Gwadar have their roots linked with the Balochistan.
The Climate of Gwadar:
Gwadar has extreme hot and deserted climate with very little precipitation and massive variations in winter and summer temperature. The ocean had a great influence on the temperature that is lower in summer and higher in winter. On average the temperature in June remains 31 to 31°C while in winters it fluctuates between 18 to 19°C. The uniformity of the temperature is distinctive of the Coastal Makran region.
Also, the wind moving down by the plateau of Balochistan give a cooling influence, otherwise the winter remains pleasant. Winters are shorter as compare to summer. The Gwadar is located out of the monsoon belt. For this reason, it occasionally receives the monsoon rains in the summer season. While in winters there is heavy rainfall due to Western Disturbance. On average the annual rainfall is about 3 inches.
Gwadar serves as headquarter for Gwadar tehsil and Gwadr District. While the Gwadar tehsil is sub divided into 5 different union counsels on the basis of administration named; Gwadar Central, South Gwadar, North Gwadar, Pishukan, Sorbandar.
The Gwadar port can help China to work with around the clock active port with security and time efficiency. It will also offer China an attending post to observe the Indian naval activities around the Gulf of Aden, the Persian Gulf, South Asia and Central Asia. It means that it will cover the following regions; Central Asian republics, Caspian Region, Iran and Afghanistan. Among all these Caspian Sea is the most potential region in terms of monetary approaches. At the same time, it offers vital positioning to the area geographically. Iran is one of those countries that are supporting the development of the Port of Gwadar.
In the past, the economy of Gwadar has mostly remained dependent on fishing. However, with the passage of time and in recent times, the economy of Gwadar has undergone some major transformation resulting in the transformation is a small fishing village in the major Port city of Pakistan. It has helped in enhancing the communication links between all parts of Pakistan. The 1400 Km Trans-Afghan Gas Pipeline also known as the TAP will be linked from Turkmenistan to Gwadar port. It is believed to be a comprehensive project that will boost the Natural gas dealers of Turkmen to reach the market of South Asia that will lead to many financial benefits for the region overall.
Posted by admin in CPEC, Gwadar News on May 26th, 2018
One of the latest turning points of the global economy and the geopolitical landscape is the ‘Belt & Road Initiative’, which is being conducted by China. The One Belt and One Road initiative are being led by the Chinese government, with the sole purpose of improving economic and trade integration within Africa, Europe and Asia.
With the use of infrastructure projects and free-trade agreements, which include ports, railways and roads, the project aims to develop a modern Silk Road, which spans around 65 countries. Combining a GDP of US$21 trillion, the initiative involves a land belt through Europe and Asia; and connects the coastal Chinese cities to the Mediterranean and Africa with the help of a maritime road.
The Belt and Road Initiative is also known as the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The project is a development strategy that is proposed by the Chinese government that is aimed at corporation and connectivity between the Eurasian countries. According to the Chinese government, the project is a chance to boost the regional connectivity and to embrace a better future. While on the other hand, the critics believe that it is meant to push China to have a larger role in global affairs with the China-centered trading network.
Read also: CPEC – How It Can Benefit Pakistan In Short & Long Term
According to the proposed OBOR plan, there are going to be two elements in this initiative, which include the 21st Century Maritime Silk and the Silk Road Economic Belt. The regional waters will be connected by the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, while the Silk Road Economic Belt tends to connect the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean through West Asia, China to Europe through Central Asia and the Indian Ocean with the help of South Asia.
Moreover, the OBOR is supposed to facilitate development for 6 main economic corridors, including, China-Mongolia-Russia, New Eurasian Land Bridge, Indochina-Peninsula, Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar, China-Pakistan and China-Central Asia-Western Asia.
The initiative aims to fulfill the following goals:
– Financial Segregation.
– Liberalizing the trade.
– Improving the coordination of policy across Asia.
– Enhancing connectivity involving people-to-people links.
While China is underway with the project, signing bilateral cooperation agreements with countries like Mongolia, Hungry, Tajikistan, Turkey and Russia, more than 55 other countries have shown their interest in the project. Some projects with these countries are already in process, such as the train connection between Iran and Eastern China, which will expand to Europe.
China has also started constructing new rail-links with Thailand and Laos, and high-speed railway projects in collaboration with Indonesia. The Chinese Ningbo Shipping Exchange is collaborating with Baltic Exchange, in order to derive the index rates between the Middle East and China, along with Europe and the Mediterranean as well. Moreover, China has already raised around $40 billion for the project, while more than 200 enterprises have signed an agreement with China.
The projected started back in 2013 when the Chinese President Xi Jinping endorsed the initiative with aims to improve global cooperation in terms of economy. The plan aims towards regulating China’s own economy, and enhancing the economic relationships while generating in-house and foreign capital.
Some people believed that this project will turn China into a regional power, but regardless to Xi’s insistence, the country was not allowed to interfere in other nation’s matters, in order to maintain the integrity of The Marshall Plan; which was made by the US to rebuild Europe after World War 2. On top of this, it also important in terms of China’s capability to accomplish energy security.
Read also: An Essential Guide To Real Estate Investment In Gwadar
In 2014, the Silk Road Fund was built by China in US$40 billion, which would fund the infrastructure for the project, as well as the 6 economic corridors with countries. The overhead charges would be funded by the China-backed global bank which was launched in 2014, the New Development Bank (NDB), the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Shanghai-based bank for countries like Brazil, India, China and Russia.
Although the OBOR is said to be a stepping stone towards global economic cooperation, the expansion of this project is alarming for the US. This initiative not only improves China’s economic standing but also competes with trade agreements, which did not include China, such as Trans-Pacific Partnership, which was introduced by the current American President Donald Trump. As the US and Japan both are not a part of AIIB, their representatives are not going to attend the summit as well.
There are a number of European countries who have welcomed this initiative by China, as they hope that this will lead to Chinese development and investment in their country, but there are certain nations which are still hesitant; as they are alarmed by the growing motivations and influence of the Chinese capital Beijing. Countries like Britain have shown an interest to be a part of AIIB, regardless of knowing about the exclusion of their ally, US.
However, in context to the Brexit Europe, it is hard to tell how the perceptions of different countries will surface about the OBOR. On the other hand, OBOR tends to benefit the Sino-Russian collaboration and is aimed towards bringing the two countries closer in terms of their ties – with the help of joint projects and investments. On top of that, the OBOR also relies on Russian contribution, keeping in mind their historical influence over the Central Asian region, being economically dependent.
China has always worked as a loyal partner to Pakistan. The history of friendship between both the countries has set many examples in the past. Despite what the world thinks or speaks about Pakistan, China has always stood by its side. A number of initiatives have been taken in the past to support and boost the friendship of both the countries.
An upcoming brainstormed initiative taken by China and Pakistan is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor- popularly known as the CPEC. Being a mutually advantageous project for both the nations, this initiative is expected to reduce costs of transportation to the Middle East and Europe, for China. The project of CPEC offers both long and short term benefits for Pakistan and China.
We can evaluate the importance of CPEC to China by the fact that it is included in China’s 13th five-year development plan. The CPEC projects are believed to be offering China with an alternate route for supply of energy and a new route to Western China that will support the trade processing. Pakistan also stands to earn benefits with the upgraded infrastructure and the introduction of a reliable, uninterrupted and long-lasting energy supply.
Forbes has claimed that the CPEC is a part of the vision of China to write down the rules of next era of globalization and to help the exports as well as investment engines of China to run, uninterrupted, for years. It is also believed that the project of CPEC is a project that has strategic and economic consequences that demand methodical evaluation.
Now let us move towards overviewing the short-term and long-term benefits this project has in the bag for the bonding countries!
As per the short-term benefits of this initiative, one of the most important is the fee that Pakistan can charge for transportation of products and goods, which will commence through this trading corridor.
Such benefits are quite similar to which are being reaped by Panama through the Panama Canal, as well as Egypt in the form of the Suez Canal. On top of that, if Pakistan is able to offer the Chinese workers wwith a comfortable and suitable working environment, in order to relocate their labour-intensive industries, the rewards can be higher for the country’s economic condition.
When we speak about the long-term benefits which both parties will gain from this initiative we can say that they are concerned with the health and skills indicators as well as the educational development of Pakistan. At the same time they are focused to initiate more investment and funds to the hi-tech industries which are set-up in Pakistan.
Currently, the goods which are being shipped from Central China to Europe have to travel a total distance of 19,132 miles, out of which 16,507 is through the sea, while 2,625 miles are covered by land; which is basically the distance from the Shanghai port to Central China. After CPEC is completed, the goods will only have to travel a total distance of 9,579 miles, out of which 7,847 will be by sea, while 1,750 miles on land, which is the distance from Karachi to Central China.
Apart from the drastic reduction in the mileage, the time which is needed to ship products and the goods from the already existing route to the route developed after CPEC will be reduced by 50 percent; that is from 50 days to 25 days.
At the time, the freight charges for every 40 feet container transported from Hamburg to Shanghai are around $2,500 to $3,000. Once the CPEC initiative is complete, these charges for a 40 feet container would drop down to around $1,000. It means that the businessmen would be able to save around 50 to 65 percent of the freight chargers they have to pay, and they Chinese exporters would be able to get their payments in half the time they had to wait before CPEC.
As for the shipment which is coming from the Middle East would also be able to achieve substantial benefits, in terms of time and the transportation costs. Speaking about the Middle East, currently a 40 feet container transported from Central China to the Middle East takes about 12,537 miles to reach its destination, out of which 9,912 miles are by sea and 2,625 are by road. Once CPEC has been completed, the same 40 feet container would take 2,295 miles to reach the destination, in which 545 miles would be from the seaway, while 1,750 are by road. This means that the distance between the Middle East and Central China would be reduced by around 80 percent.
Similar to Europe, the reduced distance of transportation would also cut down the charges for the shipment. Currently, the freight charges from Shanghai to Abu Dhabi are around $2,000 for specifically a 40 feet container, whereas through this route, it takes around 16 days for this shipment to reach its destination. With the development of CPEC, these prices will come down to $200 to $250 for a 40 feet container, and the time would also be reduced to about 2 to 3 days maximum.
Moreover, the CPEC will also be able to offer the shortest route to landlocked nations, such as Afghanistan to China, the Indian Ocean and India itself. On top of everything else, the distance compared to the nearest port of Chabahar would be around 600 kilometers lesser!
Short or long, the CPEC has potentially laid the foundation of benefits for both the parties and is expected to open doors of opportunities in coming future as well. Both the countries are currently working on a number of developmental projects and investments that are focused on reaping long run fruits as the CPEC will touch its completion.
Posted by admin in CPEC, Naval Anchorage on April 26th, 2018
Since the inception of the Gwadar Port in Pakistan, the property investors have shown massive interest in this deserted city of Pakistan, hunting the best real estate deals in Pakistan. Further fuel added to the fire is the China Pakistan Economic Corridor. The project has also had an impact on the concept of Gwadar and it is believed to be a future hub of the international trade activities. For the said reason it is perceived as a huge opportunity for the property investors from across the globe.
More and more investors are trying to be first in the rat race in the history of real estate in Pakistan. Some investors have acquired massive lands with an aim to launch a planned commercial and housing development. On the other hand, some have managed to reserve lands in most profitable projects like the one offered by the GDA (Gwadar Development Authority).
There are many commercial and housing projects that have come up in Gwadar in past few years. These projects have urged the investors to invest their money for a massive return on investment (ROI) in coming future.
At other instance, there are some government-sponsored housing projects named as New Town and Sangar which have earned some fast and massive return on investment. However, there are some private housing schemes that have shown their massive potential in recent times and people have started showing great interest in those schemes as well.
To present an overview and to point out the potential of the investment in Gwadar here are few reasons, enough to convince the investors to invest their money in Gwadar.
The Gwadar, with each passing day, is becoming one of the major international port cities of the world. Both provincial and federal government of Pakistan has their clear focus on the development of the area. With an aim to attract the investors, the government has established special industrial and commercial zones with precise tax remission and economical electricity in the area. The moment industries will start working in the area, the demand for the commercial and housing will start benefiting the property investors.
If you compare the price of a per marla land in other cities of Pakistan with that of Gwadar, you will find that the rate is at its lowest at the moment (in most of the areas in Gwadar). Now if you review the pricing trends of Gwadar you can clearly see a surge in prices while a stable growth in other parts of the Gwadar. This situation is for a very limited time, sooner there will be new shapes according to the long-term plans. The moment the plan is executed and the basic infrastructure of the port city is built, the world will see a sudden surge in the prices.
Gwadar is planned as an international port city and for this reason, it is developed with a focus to offer the latest state of the art technologies and modern development standards. The master plan of Gwadar is designed with experts keeping in mind all the future needs and with plenty of room for future expansions as well. The basic housing schemes at Gwadar are developed according to the directions of the GDA to offer the future residents of Gwadar with a clutter-free master plan housing society.
Gwadar is planned as an international port city and for this reason, it is developed with a focus to offer the latest state of the art technologies and modern development standards. The master plan of Gwadar is designed with experts keeping in mind all the future needs and with plenty of room for future expansions as well. The basic housing schemes at Gwadar are developed according to the directions of the GDA to offer the future residents of Gwadar with a clutter-free master plan housing society.
The role of Pakistani Army is no exception when it comes to talking about the stabilized security conditions in Pakistan. Just like other parts of the world the Pak Army has played a significant role in bringing peace to the Gwadar. Plus the Pak Army had taken over the responsibility of taking care of the situation and offering a peaceful environment to both local and foreign investors and professionals to facilitate them with steady and smooth development activities. And the presence of Pak Army is also believed to be a reason to protect the project and offer a secure environment that will boost the productivity of the plan.
For those who are interested in investing in the Gwadar, we would like to mention that there are a number of housing and commercial projects that are on board in the port city. Here are the top 3 most appreciated investment targets of the investors and each one is appreciated for a number of reasons.
Located on the Koh-e-Batil, the Sangar is also sometimes spelt as Singhar Housing Scheme. This housing scheme is located on the southern side of the Koh-e-Batil. The prime attraction of this society is the Oman Sea Port and the Arabian Sea view. This place is also a home for the very famous Pearl Continental Hotel. Being one of the most recently established societies the investors are now granted the property possessions and are almost one of the most expensive residential scheme in Gwadar.
The housing society aims to offer the residents with a sustained and healthy development along with a vibrant place that can offer people with a strong infrastructure, state of the art housing and tourism and a comprehensive support for the development of the Gwadar City.
The project aims to adopt a balanced approach to integrate a sustainable development and incorporate secure values with the maximum use of the waterfront available around the location. It is also focused on high-quality architecture and amazing design elements to make it one of the most liveable places of Pakistan.
This one is a state-owned project and is undoubtedly an amazing choice for investment. The Jinnah Avenue is linked with this society. Apart from this easy approach, the Marine Drive is also linked to the society. This society consists of 5 phases. It has residential plots of all sizes, from 120 yards to 1000 yards.
The New Town housing society is regulated by the GDA and is offering massive opportunities for investment in both commercial and residential plots. The New Town also has an amazing sea facing commercial plots that are in the way to marine drive area.
The society currently has 4 phases and is situated in the center of the city. However, before buying a plot in this society you must look for the documentation and be careful during the entire process.
The Naval Anchorage became a part of the Gwadar real estate in 2017 and has overshadowed all the private housing societies in Gwadar since then. This housing society is sponsored by the Pakistan Navy Benevolent Association and is well known for its quality housing projects. It is also considered as one of the safest and the most advanced investment opportunity in Gwadar.
Some of the main reasons why you must invest in the Naval Anchorage Gwadar include; its background with the Pakistan navy, a strong background of housing development, safer investment, mega housing project, planned community, prime location near the zero point, demand in the market and higher ROI.
Be it residential or commercial, for all projects, the investment in Gwadar is a great opportunity for the investors from around the globe. As the CPEC promises to change the picture of Pakistan in coming years and opening doors to new opportunities and a brighter Pakistan.
Posted by admin in CPEC, Gwadar News, Property News, Recent Development and construction in Gwadar on March 15th, 2018
A place which was not known to many in the recent past suddenly has now become an apple of everybody’s eye. Here we are talking about the next big thing, Gwadar. Gwadar is a port city located on the shores of the Arabian Sea, on the South-Western coast of Baluchistan, Pakistan. The city is in the news lately because of its immense trade potential. Gradually, Gwadar will evolve to become an important International transit point, connecting South Asia with Persian Gulf, Middle East, Central Asia and North-East Asia.
Gwadar, a major destination in the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor is soon going to emerge as an international city. It is planned to become a free trade port city. Gwadar – the lavish beauty on Earth offering the most eloquently beautiful landscape, blue sky, Arabian Sea and stern, golden mountains. Let’s find out what has made it of so much importance. Here are few of the major reasons that would convince you to visit Gwadar, for at least once.
Gwadar has a naturally gifted port. It is the third deep-sea port in Pakistan after Karachi Port and Port Qasim. It lies just 624 nautical km to the east of Strait of Hormuz, which is an important route of oil tankers bound for Japan and western countries out of Persian Gulf. Gwadar port would interface three locations, which are South Asia, Middle East, and Central Asia. One must visit there to see the naturally constructed port.
CPEC is playing the vital role in the development of Gwadar. The construction of a deep sea port is just one component of the Greater Gwadar Plan. Under this plan, which will be carried out by Gwadar Development Authority, in addition to Gwadar port, a network of roads, connecting Gwadar with Karachi, Pasni, Ormara, and Turbat will be constructed in four phases. A noteworthy piece of its work project is centered on the most optimized plan of roads development, another framework, and building. You can see the trade route and the work being carried out for the economic corridor by your own eyes while visiting the city. ECO highway, Coastal Highway and other mega projects in road sectors will connect Gwadar free port with the Central Asian States, Gulf States, China and rest of the country.
The city, which was once a deserted place, is now frequently visited by foreigners, tourists, and Pakistani government officials. Not only that, tour companies have now started producing affordable Gwadar tour packages for the region, making Balochistan a lively place as it once was. Cool. Isn’t it?
It is going to be a tourist attraction soon because of its natural beauty, beautifully constructed coastal highway, clean blue water beaches, etc.
Still not finding it catchy? Let us now tell you about few of the destinations that might be of some interest to you:
Beaches: Gwadar has a 600km long coastal belt with beaches and bays. The beauty of green waters and the mind-blowing view of the sunset at the beach would leave you breathless and you would think as if you are in paradise. It is a perfect place to spend time with friends like beach parties, etc.
Hammerhead: Resembling the shape of the hammerhead shark, this mass of rock was created by the mud volcano that erupted. Hammerhead provides a spectacular view of the Arabian Sea on its southern side and a breathtaking view of the Gwadar city on its north.
Princess of Hope: There is also a 740-year-old wonder, ‘Princess of Hope’ along the coastal highway. Located in the largest national park of Pakistan, princess of hope is another one of the major tourist attractions.
The Sphinx: Ever wondered how it would feel to see the wondrous sphinx in Egypt, up front and not in pictures? Gwadar has its own naturally carved sphinx, located on the top of the range; it exactly resembles the man-made sculpture. Its beauty and wonder have brought about many visitors from all over.
Buzzi Pass: Main reason to travel to Gwadar, is known to be the Buzzi pass itself. It presents us with the most spectacular scenery on each side. Fact about Buzzi Pass that is known to be famous is that Alexander the great passed by here and on tis pass, he lost many of his legions.
Desert: Passing by the Hingol river bridge, is the coastal semi-dessert that offers the locals and tourists a chance at desert safari on its sand dunes. It is yet again one of the reasons why the tourist gathering at Gwadar has increased.
Baba Chandrakup: Also known as Mud Volcano is a holy place for Hindus. Initially, the area covered by the mud volcanoes, there are now only a few left, one of them being Baba Chandrakup. While the volcanoes are supposed to spit out scorching rocks or magma, this mud volcano spits out COLD mud.
Astola Island: Also known as the “island of the seven hills”, it is famous to support a large breeding water birds and creatures. The highest point of the island is 246 feet above the sea level, providing a beautiful view of the Arabian Sea.
Everyone wants to double his money. Well, let us amaze you by telling you the fact that the land of Gwadar, which was previously considered to be inexpensive, is not a piece of cake to acquire now. People who had invested in the region have earned 500 times more! Yes, 500 times of the price of the property which they had invested in. This was one example out of several good opportunities still available. It’s never too late as the potential of growth is still there and is rising by the passage of time, so one can grab the opportunity and take a good decision to invest in Gwadar, be it for his business or any other reason. Visit the place and take a wise decision if you are thinking to invest in your future.
Once a small fishing town along the Makran Coast, Gwadar is now set to have become a mega seaport city. The Gwadar port is expected to generate billions of dollars in revenues and create at least two million jobs. This will help in decreasing the unemployment ratio while having an increase in Pakistan’s GDP. It is expected that industries would be built along with CPEC route and big companies would also operate their business in the upcoming mega city which is good news for job seekers.
Not only this, there are some other interesting reasons that would attract you. To find out more about the beautiful city, now we think that you must be planning to visit Gwadar.
Posted by admin in CPEC, Gwadar News, Investments, Naval Anchorage, Recent Development and construction in Gwadar on December 20th, 2017
Individuals beforehand totally neglected Gwadar land as a potential investment choice. However, the conditions have changed and the port city is presently the place with the most elevated venture potential. Named as a financial tax-exempt zone, the city is flourishing with business openings, employment opportunities and recently raised foundation. It is currently the home to probably the most eminent and prosperous worldwide organizations on the planet.
With such a large number of venture alternatives in the market and various components to consider, financial specialists are discovering the choice with the most noteworthy incentive for cash. Real estate investments have seen a boost in the last decade. The investments in the stocks and bonds still are on the higher side in Pakistan. Around the world, real estate is considered to be a sound investment, this trend will soon flourish in Pakistan as well.
With Gwadar coming into place, the real estate investment will flourish along with the economic and political advantages we see for it. Here are a couple of reasons that Gwadar ought to be considered as a sound investment:
The majority of the private and business extends in the city are recently built and gloat contemporary measures. Also, as the city is newly picking up force, it has far to go before it achieves immersion point.
Some critical business extends in the city incorporate Burj Al Gwadar, World Trade Tower, Gwadar Heights, and Gwadar Business Square. The city likewise contains private social orders, for example, UP.Rise Waterfront, Golden Palms, New Town, and others.
Gwadar is creating at a quick pace. Various crisp private and business ventures, essentially enhancing the way of life for occupants in the area. As the port city turns out to be more developed, the estimation of a property is likewise duplicating ten times with request, meaning huge speculation potential in the locale.
Advancement is probably going to proceed at the speed it is right now winning at, implying that financial specialists shouldn’t expect stagnation in the market at any point in the near future.
To increase the investments in the market, the government has given tax-free business opportunities and investments to the investors. In any case, as property in the territory is as of now not as costly as property in bigger urban communities, the effect of the recently forced property charges upon the realty segment is altogether not as much as that in different urban communities in the nation. Gwadar is currently sparkling with the most venture potential in the nation.
Being a speculation safe house and the brightest star in the nation, Gwadar is the best decision for the individuals who need to harvest prompt and fast returns!
Posted by admin in CPEC, Gwadar News, Investments, Real Estate Property Guide on October 23rd, 2017
Since years, Gwadar had been a crucial subject in the news and politics. Investment gurus, politicians and analysts have been in serious discussions on whether Gwadar deserves all the attention. Though China was always an ally in the Gwadar project and the project itself seems a game changer for Pakistan, there were many who were not in favor.
After all the noticeable efforts by the government and the investors, Gwadar project took a major step in 2016. The Gwadar port was inaugurated and so the investment opportunities were set free for domestic and commercial purposes.
Gwadar, apart from its scenic and breathtaking views, is a great investment opportunity for individual investors domestically or commercially. The strategic importance Gwadar port holds, is not hidden from us. Here is why one should consider investing in this growing project:
With development of motorways, the labor employment opportunities are already on rise. Once the development, constructions and transportation starts, the employment figure of Gwadar will rise. Gwadar port can be a major turning point for the economy of Pakistan as it would add thousands of jobs to the arena. It is believed to assist in settling the issues of poverty and terrorism. It will put a deadlock to unemployment in the region.
The foreign investors enjoyed a tax break of 23-year on all the investments in Gwadar. This was to encourage the foreigners to invest in the project. Now that Gwadar is all set to start and the investments from abroad are flourishing, the government of Balochistan is now awarding this opportunity to the locals as well.
The government has agreed to provide tax breaks to domestic investors in the industrial estate.
“Balochistan’s Chief Minister has assured us that he will declare it {the industrial estate) a free zone,” Waqas A Lasi, GM Finance of the Gwadar Industrial Estate Development Authority (GIEDA), said while briefing a group of journalists from Karachi.
These tax breaks will encourage the domestic investors to look forward towards the development of Gwadar and Pakistan and be part of the change. The more domestic investors will invest in Gwadar, the more economy will remain inside the country.
With increase in the number of investments in Gwadar, the Government of Balochistan is working on the development of an industrial estate. The objective of the estate is to meet the demands of the industrials plots in the city. With the establishment of the city and the motor highways, the potential for the industrial development will increase. The estate will help those industries to set up.
The industrial parks are being developed for the small and medium size enterprises and not for the large-scale industries. These parks will provide access to common man to set up small industries in the place. The areas of business on which these industrial parks wish to focus are import and export, transportation, shipping, clearing and forwarding, textile and leather garments, building materials, construction, warehousing, repacking and shipment and others.
Gwadar Industrial Estate Development Authority (GIEDA) is the government body which is working on the development of the industrial parks.
The benefits to invest in Gwadar are immense, one just need to be clear on how to buy properties in Gwadar. Be part of a big change!
Posted by admin in CPEC, Gwadar News, Recent Development and construction in Gwadar on March 5th, 2017
2016 was a remarkable time-period for Gwadar with amazing developments witnessed in the project. These advancements have altered the perception of all those who earlier were skeptical about the success of the project.
Chinese media reported that 16 early gather ventures, including a few power stations, roadways and ventures identified with Gwadar Port, are under development. A huge number of new occupations have been arisen for the neighborhood individuals.
A month ago, an exchange caravan sorted out by the two nations effectively went through the western piece of Pakistan surprisingly from the North toward the South. The project is demonstrating the network of neighborhood streets and the acknowledgment of the idea of one passageway with numerous sections under the CPEC.
Saeed Chaudhry, director of the Islamabad Council for International Affairs mentioned, “Since the commencement of the CPEC, 2016 is the year when we have seen a project completed or start working. In addition to the Gwadar Port operations, PM Nawaz has also inaugurated several others projects in the country, especially in some routes in the western part of the CPEC. There are at least 39 projects, most them related to energy, where obvious progress has been seen during 2016”
Bilal Khan, a senior market analyst at Standard Chartered Bank, Pakistan stated that the upgraded framework, for example, streets and railroads brought by the CPEC, the (GDP) development ought to increment from around 4.7 percent a year ago to around 6 percent by 2019, and remain around a similar level for 2020 in the nation. The CPEC will attract several foreign and domestic investors in both private and public sectors.
“The CPEC itself, for Pakistan at a bare minimum, offers a significant opportunity for the country to address its supply-side constraints, such as weak foreign capital inflow,”
“Before the CPEC, Pakistan’s economy was feeble and stagnant, and investors, even ones from Pakistan were reluctant to invest, but now the economic indicators of Pakistan have turned positive, investors from around the world are flocking to Pakistan, and the country’s economy has been given new life and is booming and full of future prospects.
Pakistan’s main issue is shortage of revenue and unemployment, but the CPEC will provide solutions for the both”
Towards the end of 2016, the Russian government coordinated with Pakistan in the farming and vitality divisions as broad chances of respective exchange exist between the two nations.
Talking amid a visit to the Bahawalpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dedov said around 50 Russian organizations were enthusiastic to invest their resources in Pakistan.
He called attention to that Pak-Russia business discussion gatherings. It has geared up the exchange exercises. Pakistani and Russian businesspeople now could venture up business exercises on both sides.
With all those developments in the Gwadar project in 2016, the New Year 2017 seems to be a very promising year. The property prices for Gwadar has been increasing as investors realized the development arena of Gwadar. We soon will witness notable developments in Baluchistan and a significant boost in the economy of Pakistan.