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Posted by admin in CPEC, Gwadar News, Property News, Recent Development and construction in Gwadar on March 15th, 2018
A place which was not known to many in the recent past suddenly has now become an apple of everybody’s eye. Here we are talking about the next big thing, Gwadar. Gwadar is a port city located on the shores of the Arabian Sea, on the South-Western coast of Baluchistan, Pakistan. The city is in the news lately because of its immense trade potential. Gradually, Gwadar will evolve to become an important International transit point, connecting South Asia with Persian Gulf, Middle East, Central Asia and North-East Asia.
Gwadar, a major destination in the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor is soon going to emerge as an international city. It is planned to become a free trade port city. Gwadar – the lavish beauty on Earth offering the most eloquently beautiful landscape, blue sky, Arabian Sea and stern, golden mountains. Let’s find out what has made it of so much importance. Here are few of the major reasons that would convince you to visit Gwadar, for at least once.
Gwadar has a naturally gifted port. It is the third deep-sea port in Pakistan after Karachi Port and Port Qasim. It lies just 624 nautical km to the east of Strait of Hormuz, which is an important route of oil tankers bound for Japan and western countries out of Persian Gulf. Gwadar port would interface three locations, which are South Asia, Middle East, and Central Asia. One must visit there to see the naturally constructed port.
CPEC is playing the vital role in the development of Gwadar. The construction of a deep sea port is just one component of the Greater Gwadar Plan. Under this plan, which will be carried out by Gwadar Development Authority, in addition to Gwadar port, a network of roads, connecting Gwadar with Karachi, Pasni, Ormara, and Turbat will be constructed in four phases. A noteworthy piece of its work project is centered on the most optimized plan of roads development, another framework, and building. You can see the trade route and the work being carried out for the economic corridor by your own eyes while visiting the city. ECO highway, Coastal Highway and other mega projects in road sectors will connect Gwadar free port with the Central Asian States, Gulf States, China and rest of the country.
The city, which was once a deserted place, is now frequently visited by foreigners, tourists, and Pakistani government officials. Not only that, tour companies have now started producing affordable Gwadar tour packages for the region, making Balochistan a lively place as it once was. Cool. Isn’t it?
It is going to be a tourist attraction soon because of its natural beauty, beautifully constructed coastal highway, clean blue water beaches, etc.
Still not finding it catchy? Let us now tell you about few of the destinations that might be of some interest to you:
Beaches: Gwadar has a 600km long coastal belt with beaches and bays. The beauty of green waters and the mind-blowing view of the sunset at the beach would leave you breathless and you would think as if you are in paradise. It is a perfect place to spend time with friends like beach parties, etc.
Hammerhead: Resembling the shape of the hammerhead shark, this mass of rock was created by the mud volcano that erupted. Hammerhead provides a spectacular view of the Arabian Sea on its southern side and a breathtaking view of the Gwadar city on its north.
Princess of Hope: There is also a 740-year-old wonder, ‘Princess of Hope’ along the coastal highway. Located in the largest national park of Pakistan, princess of hope is another one of the major tourist attractions.
The Sphinx: Ever wondered how it would feel to see the wondrous sphinx in Egypt, up front and not in pictures? Gwadar has its own naturally carved sphinx, located on the top of the range; it exactly resembles the man-made sculpture. Its beauty and wonder have brought about many visitors from all over.
Buzzi Pass: Main reason to travel to Gwadar, is known to be the Buzzi pass itself. It presents us with the most spectacular scenery on each side. Fact about Buzzi Pass that is known to be famous is that Alexander the great passed by here and on tis pass, he lost many of his legions.
Desert: Passing by the Hingol river bridge, is the coastal semi-dessert that offers the locals and tourists a chance at desert safari on its sand dunes. It is yet again one of the reasons why the tourist gathering at Gwadar has increased.
Baba Chandrakup: Also known as Mud Volcano is a holy place for Hindus. Initially, the area covered by the mud volcanoes, there are now only a few left, one of them being Baba Chandrakup. While the volcanoes are supposed to spit out scorching rocks or magma, this mud volcano spits out COLD mud.
Astola Island: Also known as the “island of the seven hills”, it is famous to support a large breeding water birds and creatures. The highest point of the island is 246 feet above the sea level, providing a beautiful view of the Arabian Sea.
Everyone wants to double his money. Well, let us amaze you by telling you the fact that the land of Gwadar, which was previously considered to be inexpensive, is not a piece of cake to acquire now. People who had invested in the region have earned 500 times more! Yes, 500 times of the price of the property which they had invested in. This was one example out of several good opportunities still available. It’s never too late as the potential of growth is still there and is rising by the passage of time, so one can grab the opportunity and take a good decision to invest in Gwadar, be it for his business or any other reason. Visit the place and take a wise decision if you are thinking to invest in your future.
Once a small fishing town along the Makran Coast, Gwadar is now set to have become a mega seaport city. The Gwadar port is expected to generate billions of dollars in revenues and create at least two million jobs. This will help in decreasing the unemployment ratio while having an increase in Pakistan’s GDP. It is expected that industries would be built along with CPEC route and big companies would also operate their business in the upcoming mega city which is good news for job seekers.
Not only this, there are some other interesting reasons that would attract you. To find out more about the beautiful city, now we think that you must be planning to visit Gwadar.
Posted by admin in CPEC, Gwadar News, Investments, Real Estate Property Guide on October 23rd, 2017
Since years, Gwadar had been a crucial subject in the news and politics. Investment gurus, politicians and analysts have been in serious discussions on whether Gwadar deserves all the attention. Though China was always an ally in the Gwadar project and the project itself seems a game changer for Pakistan, there were many who were not in favor.
After all the noticeable efforts by the government and the investors, Gwadar project took a major step in 2016. The Gwadar port was inaugurated and so the investment opportunities were set free for domestic and commercial purposes.
Gwadar, apart from its scenic and breathtaking views, is a great investment opportunity for individual investors domestically or commercially. The strategic importance Gwadar port holds, is not hidden from us. Here is why one should consider investing in this growing project:
With development of motorways, the labor employment opportunities are already on rise. Once the development, constructions and transportation starts, the employment figure of Gwadar will rise. Gwadar port can be a major turning point for the economy of Pakistan as it would add thousands of jobs to the arena. It is believed to assist in settling the issues of poverty and terrorism. It will put a deadlock to unemployment in the region.
The foreign investors enjoyed a tax break of 23-year on all the investments in Gwadar. This was to encourage the foreigners to invest in the project. Now that Gwadar is all set to start and the investments from abroad are flourishing, the government of Balochistan is now awarding this opportunity to the locals as well.
The government has agreed to provide tax breaks to domestic investors in the industrial estate.
“Balochistan’s Chief Minister has assured us that he will declare it {the industrial estate) a free zone,” Waqas A Lasi, GM Finance of the Gwadar Industrial Estate Development Authority (GIEDA), said while briefing a group of journalists from Karachi.
These tax breaks will encourage the domestic investors to look forward towards the development of Gwadar and Pakistan and be part of the change. The more domestic investors will invest in Gwadar, the more economy will remain inside the country.
With increase in the number of investments in Gwadar, the Government of Balochistan is working on the development of an industrial estate. The objective of the estate is to meet the demands of the industrials plots in the city. With the establishment of the city and the motor highways, the potential for the industrial development will increase. The estate will help those industries to set up.
The industrial parks are being developed for the small and medium size enterprises and not for the large-scale industries. These parks will provide access to common man to set up small industries in the place. The areas of business on which these industrial parks wish to focus are import and export, transportation, shipping, clearing and forwarding, textile and leather garments, building materials, construction, warehousing, repacking and shipment and others.
Gwadar Industrial Estate Development Authority (GIEDA) is the government body which is working on the development of the industrial parks.
The benefits to invest in Gwadar are immense, one just need to be clear on how to buy properties in Gwadar. Be part of a big change!